Neo-Expressionism is an art form which began in the 1970s in response to the new abstract movements like Minimalism. The art form allows the artist to express what he is feeling at the moment, and also it shows spontaneous feelings rather than formal concepts. It displays aggressiveness and distortion through colors and incomprehensible forms.
My favorite art piece of the movement is Kiefer's Nuremberg. It shows the pain the Nazi period left on the Germans. It is my favorite, because I find the World War II era quite interesting, and the painting is clear in demonstrating the scar through its deep contrasting colors.
I've never heard of Neo-expressionism before, but it's definitely different. I'm more into the classics like baroque and romanesque, which I just started studying in my art history class. But, I like how their is so much symbolism in the piece. When I see the "scratches" it makes me think of how people's lives were interrupted by the Holocaust because it disrupts the flow of the vertical lines in the background. Also, they make me think of the Holocaust's mark on the world and how it will never be forgotten.