Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Kings Great Matter...

The Tudors: Henry VIII

Ann Boleyn---------------Catherine of Aragon -------------Jane Seymour

Henry VIII was the great king of England during the sixteenth century. The man was so powerful he was able to behead anyone he pleased. He controlled Britain as if it was his playground and did as he pleased with his subjects. He had six wives had two daughters and one sickly son. His first wife Catherine of Aragon was a strict catholic, and only had a daughter called Mary (bloody Mary). Catherine was not capable of having a son, so Henry decided to divorce her and marry Ann Boleyn. The Catholic church did not agree to the divorce and after several tries Henry grew frustrated. He decided to separate from the Roman Catholic Church.

England had now its own church called the Anglican Church which ran much like the Roman Catholic church. Anne and Henry married and Anne later had a daughter, but she never had a son which she had promised to give to Henry. Henry was now tired of Anne and because of rumors of adultery decided to behead her. His third wife was Jane Seymour which finally gave him a son, Prince Edward, but she died during childbirth. Henry had three more wives (he executed two of the last three) which did not have any children.

Basically Henry VIII reign was mostly focused on his personal life, yet he was a great king in England. He helped England in several ways, most of which used the money from Catholic land that had been sold, which included monasteries, and churches.

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